Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Assess the relative importance of the different factors...

There are different factors that influence sociologists choice of research. Sociologists have to firstly decide what particular area or topic they want to study, in order for them to carry out their research. When sociologists choose a topic, there are two types of sources available to the sociologists, they are Primary and Secondary. Primary is the data collected by the researchers themselves, usually in the form of questionnaires or interviews. Secondary is the data that is already available e.g. official statistics, diaries, historical documents etc. The researcher then has to decide what type of method they will use for their research. The topic chosen for research will indicate the method to be used e.g. voting would involve the†¦show more content†¦The job of sociologists is to uncover the social laws that govern human behaviour. When they collect information about the social world, they usually subscribe to a scientific model known as the hypothetico-deductive approach. This is the model that natural science employs in, for example, laboratory experiments. Stage 1 - Phenomena are observed. Stage 2 - A testable hypothesis (an educated guess) is constructed to explain the phenomena. Stage 3 - Empirical data (factual information) is collected in a systematic way. Stage 4 - The data is interpreted and analysed to see whether it confirms or refutes the hypothesis. Stage 5 - If the hypothesis is confirmed time and time again, it becomes a theory. If the data refutes the hypothesis, the scientist should reject or revise it, and begin the data-collection process again. The major scientific method in the natural sciences used for collecting data is the laboratory experiment. In Sociology, the major scientific method used by positivists is the social or sample survey, which incorporates the use of the questionnaire and/or structured interview. Positivists also advocate the use of some types of secondary data, particularly official statistics. However, Interpretivist (anti-positivist) sociologists are sceptical about sociology’s scientific status. They argue that human behaviour is not the result ofShow MoreRelatedSociology A2 Revision 2012 34479 Words   |  18 PagesTuesday 19th June, pm Easter Revision: tbc A2 Syllabus: AQA Sociology GCE (new specification) Unit 3: Mass Media (SCLY3) Worth 20% of your final A Level Written paper, 1 hour 30 minutes 60 marks available Unit 4: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods (SCLY4) Worth 30% of your final A Level Written paper, 2 hours 90 marks available Timetable Use your revision checklists to draw up a timetable for revision leading up to the exam. Make sure you cover everything, but make sure it is manageableRead Morecrime and deviance4817 Words   |  20 Pagesï » ¿ SCLY4 Crime and Deviance with Theories Methods Past Papers Use the following past papers to practise your exam writing techniques and aid your revision. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

LGBT and the country of Belize Free Essays

A person being gay in his own country is not a choice. We don’t choose to be gay. I sure didn’t choose to be, not to say that it is a bad thing. We will write a custom essay sample on LGBT and the country of Belize or any similar topic only for you Order Now If it were a choice to be gay, I could choose to be straight the day after or bisexual a couple months after that. The whole concept of being lesbian, gay bisexual or transgender should not scare anyone. Its because people don’t understand that the individual is the same person he or she knows and loves. Just because their sexual preference is different does not mean that you should hate them or avoid them. That kind of stuff actually hurts a person mentally, speaking from experience. United Belize Advocacy Movement (UNIBAM) is a movement fighting for equality in Belize. The law does not protect sexual orientation or gender identity. The criminal code states that â€Å"carnal intercourse† with any person â€Å"against the order of nature† shall receive a punishment of 10 years’ imprisonment. In practice the law was interpreted as including only sex between men. The extent of discrimination based on sexual orientation was difficult to ascertain due to lack of reporting instances of discrimination through official channels. UNIBAM the country’s sole lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender advocacy organization, reported that continuing harassment and insults by the general public and police affected its activities, but its members were reluctant to file complaints. There were no gay pride marches organized during the year due to UNIBAM membership concerns over the public’s possible adverse reaction. In December 2011, Barack Obama criticized nations that persecute homosexuals. In response, Hon. Dean Barrow, prime minister of Belize, reiterated, â€Å"Belize would not change its anti-homosexuality stance. â€Å"He argued that the issue is one for Belize to deal with and if the U. S. wanted to punish states by removing foreign aid for continuing such practice, then they will have to cut off their aid. † When will it actually be dealt with? It is not fair that we get to suffer worse than those who are, as they say, â€Å"normal†. I only have my friends and my family to keep me sane in this country. I had to grow up being ridiculed for having feminine features. Others bullied LGBT persons in high school; hate crimes being committed against the LGBT community. It is all so sad. Some of them say that Belize is not that bad, when in reality they are just in denial. Belize has too much ignorant close-minded assholes to even comprehend what it’s like. I thank God for my friends and family everyday for being so accepting and loving me for who I am. It’s not that I hate my country Belize; it’s just that I hate some of the people that make up the country’s population. Being gay in this country is nothing nice at all. We have to live in fear if we do something wrong that society doesn’t like so we don’t get shot in the head or beaten to death. All I want for my country is for everyone to live peacefully and not to discriminate anyone for loving who they want. For me it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from or how much money you have in your pocket. When people talk about you to your face or behind your back, and when you feel bullied can you be brave enough to not give a fuck about what they say and just be yourself? A very inspiring woman said that and I live by it everyday. How to cite LGBT and the country of Belize, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Critical Analysis of Mrs Lazarus free essay sample

This poem consists of 8 regular stanzas, each stanza being a quintet. Throughout the poem, no particular rhyme scheme is conveyed and the sentence length varies in each stanza. This poem is entirely constructed in 1st person narrative. Stanza 1 â€Å"I had grieved† – past tense – descriptive – suggests that sorrow was previously present however there is none now. Description of graveyard implies that this was a terrifying/chilling experience for her. â€Å"Married† implies that she had wed the person she had lost. Next line portrays that she must have got married on the day that her husband died if she had ripped her wedding clothes from her body. This stanza provides the reader with physicality by the use of the words â€Å"ripped†, â€Å"howled†, â€Å"shrieked†, â€Å"clawed†, â€Å"retched† etc. onomatopoeic portray a violent narrator. â€Å"howled†, â€Å"clawed† – anthropomorphic. Repetition – â€Å"over and over†, â€Å"dead, dead†. – symbolise that she thought of him repeatedly. This stanza displays as her almost hating him because he died. e. â€Å"Single silver fish†), â€Å"widow†, â€Å"one empty glove†, â€Å"half† – sense of her feeling incomplete. â€Å"White femur†Ã¢â‚¬â€œ bones – â€Å"dust† – ashes – relates to the fact that her husband is now reduced to this because he is dead. â€Å"Stuffed dark suits into black bags† – implies a murder? Could reveal her suicidal nature – her husband’s death had, inevitably, driven her to her own death. â€Å"noosed the double knot of the tie round my bare neck† – the only way she can dispel the isolation is to kill herself. â€Å"double† sense of being whole again. Sense that her grieving continues. bare neck† refers back to the 1st stanza where she had stripped herself of her clothes. Sentence Structure – Short, simplistic, reflecting a child’s dialect i. e. â€Å" Gone home† Language – unemotional – could symbolise her method of recuperation Overall tone – graphic, angry, vengeful, remorseful Themes – neglect, isolation, suicide Stanza 3 Continues on from second stanza. Religious reference – â€Å"gaunt nun† – reference to her imposed celibacy (duty to stay faithful to her dead husband). â€Å"Stations of Bereavement† – relates to Stations of the Cross – symbolising that she, like Jesus, has to struggle. icon of my face† relates to statues and figures in churches – also implies that her facial expression remains the same since the day of her husband’s death. â€Å"touching herself† – conveys that the only pleasure she is able to achieve would be by touching herself. Following lines imply that these were the only memories that she had of him i. e. he â€Å"dwindled† away. Her only memories of him were of his illness. â€Å"shrun k to the size of a snapshot† – modernisation – a picture remains only a memory, as had Mrs Lazarus’s husband. Sentence Structure – Long – broken with commas – symbolises constant bereavement Language – religious, frustrated yet sorrowful, modern Overall tone – frustrated, resentful Themes – celibacy, religion Stanza 4 Continues from third stanza with repletion of â€Å"going† – displays the fact that she does not feel as though he is gone yet. Tangible memories of Lazarus i. e. the hair fallen from his head, his scent – both vanishing – â€Å"the last hair†, â€Å"his scent went†. Imagery of their disappearing marriage – no value, no meaning. â€Å"ring† – supposed to symbolise eternal love – conventional meaning is diminished in this case. He is no longer worth anything to her as he is now only a â€Å"small zero†. Sentence Structure – Becoming shorter as she begins to forget about him. She is beginning to dismiss him from her life. Language – dismissive, unemotional Overall tone – guilt-free, disgusted Themes – independence Stanza 5 â€Å"Then he was gone† – simplistic – sense of immediacy, perhaps unexpected – he exists no more. â€Å"legend† – forgotten – he became just words – â€Å"language†. â€Å"schoolteacher† – perhaps he had taught her something in her life? â€Å"man’s strength† – protection But I was faithful for as long as it took† – as long as what took? Perhaps premeditated murder? Religious reference â€Å"faithful† – to whom? God? Lazarus? â€Å"Until he was a memory† – it took quite a while for her to come to terms with everything – perhaps she was trying to remain celibate? Sentence Structure – varied length – symbolise the normality of her life now. Language – settled (i. e. no anger, no strong emotion) Overall tone – defensive – â€Å"But I was faithful for as long as it took† Themes – deceit Stanza 6 Setting of scene – â€Å"field†, â€Å"moon† – night time Personification of atmosphere – â€Å"fine air† Observing and admiring landscape. â€Å"shouting† – disruption of new â€Å"healed† life. Were the men coming for her? Why were they shouting? Sentence Structure – Long, flows – illustrate the calm serenity of her current life – until the interruption of shouting men. Language – calm, descriptive Overall tone – serene Themes – admiration of the simple things in life Stanza 7 Continues from stanza 6. Images of people chasing her. Building up of tension – repetition of â€Å"I knew†. Personification of light – â€Å"sly† – even the light had betrayed her – labelled her as the wife of an ill man. shrill eyes† – piercing into her – evil – undeserved – highlights that the community had a prejudice of her husband because of his illness. Overwhelmed by crowds of people – feels consumed by the â€Å"hot tang† and the â€Å"hands bearingâ₠¬  her. Sentence Structure – varied. Broken with commas to illustrate the break in her normality. Language – anxious Overall tone – fearful Themes – betrayal Stanza 8 Illustrates the resurrection of her husband. â€Å"He lived† – shock, disbelief. â€Å"the horror on his face† – even he was terrified of her situation. She cannot escape the memory of him, no matter how far away he may seem. saw†, â€Å"heard†, â€Å"breathed† – use of the senses – immediacy – â€Å"rotting†. This stanza could be her mind revisiting the memory of Lazarus’s dead body. This could symbolise her reuniting with him – her escape from isolation. From beyond the grave, Lazarus maintains control over Mrs Lazarus – she is unable to rid him from her mind – eternally married to him – so she must be faithful. Does love defy death? Sentence Structure – Long – symbolise the return of bereavement. Language – graphic/gruesome – to describe disfigured body/their love Overall tone â₠¬â€œ depressing, horrific

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Unavoidable War Essays - Foreign Relations Of The Soviet Union

Unavoidable War Historians have been analyzing the causes of World War I or the Great War since it?s conclusion. Common consensus indicates several underlying circumstances setting the stage for the subsequent outbreak of carnage. The major world power participating in the formation of alliances between, the buildup of weapons, and nationalist feelings considered the primary reasons. Such preparation and posturing by World powers turned the war of Austria-Hungry and Serbia to escalate into the largest scale conflict in history up to that point. The nature of European history made the buildup and outbreak of World War I unavoidable and inevitable. The nature of Europe made the build?up of alliances between the continents superpowers unstoppable. European nations throughout history have required no greater provocation to declare war other than a high chance of success. Previous to World War I small countries only possible defense against inevitable invaders was to ally itself with a larger more powerful countries. The continual struggle for power in Europe called for countries to become empires purely out of competitive necessity. Such a trend could never have been stopped since European nature before the World Wars involved everyone trying to gain an advantage in whatever way possible and anyone who did not comply was quickly conquered. The alliances that eventually formed directly transformed a common invasion with a common inadequate justification into the Great War. In addition to the formation of alliances, the build-up of military previous to World War I was a culturally motivated and could not have been prevented. The history between European countries of repeatedly attacking each other caused a feeling of fear between nations. They responded to this terror by attempting to create the most powerful military and navy to defend themselves. Previous to World War I Germany and Britain were in a heated race to control the seas while the rest of the continent was scrambling to stay close on both land and sea. Such a situation was unavoidable since in Europe, a climate where countries rise and fall constantly, to have an inferior military is unacceptable. Due to constant competition between countries World War I was waiting to happen and when it did it featured a scale of armed forces that had never been seen. The formation alliances and gargantuan militaries were made possible by the nationalist feelings within various European nations. Germany, France, Britain, and Russia all were motivated by deep feelings of nationalism. These countries feelings of entitlement, and the bitter rivalries between them have been a leading cause in various European conflicts including World War I. Nationalist feelings took shape by Germany wanting to take over neighboring countries due to it?s feelings of superiority and how France was furious at Germany for taking over part of their land in a previous war. The rivalry between France and Germany was made more apparent after the war when France campaigned for the crippling of Germany through the Versailles Treaty. Nationalism motivated World War I the same way that it has motivated wars between European nations for centuries. Whenever something terrible happens it is human nature to go back and wonder what one could have done better. Usually a bad decision, mistake or chance was what caused a misfortune but sometimes something is predetermined and going to happen eventually no matter the actions of and individual or group. The blame for World War I has been passed around for a hundred years now but what one must remember is that a ?great war? was going to happen anyways and that immediate preventable causes are insignificant compared to underlying causes, which are often outside of anyone?s control.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sufi brotherhoods Essays

Sufi brotherhoods Essays Sufi brotherhoods Essay Sufi brotherhoods Essay Brief 195749: Comparison and Contrasting the Organizations and Activities of Two Modern Sufi Brotherhoods Sufism, like other mystical motions in the Abrahamic spiritual household, is an esoteric religion which varies from group to group. Furthermore, the assorted Sufi brotherhoods in being today differ greatly from each in both their reading of the Qur’an and Hadith. Like many other monotheistic mysterious traditions, Sufi motions take on the civilization of the population in which they were introduced, doing even subdivisions of the same brotherhood hard to place save for those who identify themselves as such. The Mevlevi Brotherhood, founded by the Sufi poet and religious leader Jalaluddin Rumi ( 1207-1273 ) are most normally recognized in the Western universe as â€Å"whirling dervishes, † a group of mystics who search for Allah through a series of supplication assorted with poesy, dance, and music. Other groups such as the Naqshbandi Brotherhood are esoteric but branched out from the Deobandi Movement of Sufism in South and Central Asia. Typically more political than mo st other Sufis, the Naqshbandi were linked to anti-Bolshevik runs in Afghanistan every bit good as the modern Chechen Resistance. Factors impacting the development of differences among Sufis include the countries in which they were founded and the planetary place of Islamic Caliphates at the clip of their several initiation. Where Mevlevis are mostly cloistered, unpolitical craftsmans, the Naqshbandi are more politically charged and remain devoted to strict Quranic reading. Muslim mysticism and the nature of Sufism at big is hard to specify. An abstract motion in comparing to both the mainstream patterns of Sunni and Shiite Islam, the huge bulk of Sufi orders follow the instructions of a shaykh ( besides normally termed â€Å"sheikh, † â€Å"maulana, † and â€Å"mevlana† ) or respected figure believed to disciples of several brotherhoods to be morally and spiritually in melody with the instructions of Islam. The patterns of Sufi groups deviate from the spiritual rites of conventional Islam’s ablutions and traditions, giving the mystical motion a sense of reformism and reinterpretation. For this ground, Sufi groups’ esoteric patterns have long been suspected by many to be dissident and inherently un-Islamic. M.T. Stepaniants’Sufi Wisdomdescribes the world’s assorted Sufi groups as holding â€Å"exercised considerable influence on the cultural and socio-political life of Muslims, † a merchandise of à ¢â‚¬Å"elite consciousness and a popular religion† [ 1 ] . If any signifier of common organisation can be ascribed to the mysterious motion, it is an organisation that has been â€Å"a signifier of societal protest against the dominant political system every bit good as the legalized spiritual philosophy that warranted and sanctioned the system, † used to â€Å"quell, lenify, and quash societal activity† [ 2 ] . Some Sufi orders meet in order to reform and analyze Islam in new methods to redefine common readings of the Quran and the Hadith and necessitate silent attachment to the five pillars of Islam: regular supplication, the recitation of religion, charity, fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, and pilgrims journey to the holy metropolis of Mecca. Other orders find followings of all chevrons, many of whom do non profess to be Muslim and retain their individuality as non-Muslims despite following the instructions of an elevated Muslim leader. Some Sufis are cloistered abstainers that devote their lives to other-worldly chases, and others lead regular lives without abdicating worldly purposes and activities. Despite these pronounced differences, Sufism at big â€Å"counterpoised irrationalism to rational believing while it besides stood Forth as a assortment of spiritual free-thought non infrequently immediate with philosophic theorizing† ; most groups, ascetic or non, â€Å"persuade searchers of ‘the Path’ to abdicate everyday attentions and bodily appetencies, and to integrate esoteric self-discipline† [ 3 ] . Even the term â€Å"Sufism† is disputed, with some bookmans indicating to the beginnings of the rubric holding to make with the Grecian termsophos, or wisdom, and others imputing the motion to a signifier of utmost spiritual piousness represented by the woolen frock of the Islamic pilgrim, known as theâ€Å"shuf.†Stepaniants links the thoughts of Islamic mysticism and roots of several motions to everything from Islam to â€Å"Neo-Platonism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and the like† [ 4 ] . The Naqshbandi One of the larger Sufi orders, or tarika ( disambiguation includes â€Å"tariqa† and â€Å"terika† ) of the Muslim religion, the Naqshbandi follow the instructions of Bahauddin Naqshband Bukari ( 1318-1389 ) . Like many other Sufi motions, the Naqshbandi originated in Central Asia. Unlike other orders, the Naqshbandi are non easy distinguishable physically or dogmatically from mainstream Sunni Muslims. As noted by Idries Shah inThe Way of the Sufi, the Naqshbandi â€Å"never publically adopted any typical frock, and because their members neer carried on attention-attracting activities, bookmans have non been able to retrace the history of the order, and it has frequently been hard to place its members† [ 5 ] . Shah continues to depict the tradition of the Naqshbandi as one to work â€Å"entirely within the societal model of the civilization in which they operate, † hence deriving the group the reputation of â€Å"being chiefly Muslim pietists† [ 6 ] . The Naqshbandi, though following the instructions of their namesake, branched off into several smaller groups, with many of their members fall ining the ranks of other Sufi groups. This mobility is extremely characteristic of Sufis, whose loose definitions and associations enable them to stay Sufis of assorted organisations every bit good as practicians of assorted Muslim subgroups. The ambiguity of the Naqshbandi pattern and instructions enabled the group to last assorted overzealous counter-movements aimed at the devastation of the Sufi universe. The comparatively progressive motion of the Naqshbandi â€Å"emphasized a shar’ist ( Shariah, or Islamic Law-based ) orthopraxy, political activism, extension of the faith, and a strong Sunni orientation [ which ] came to tag the Naqshbandi in a manner that proved unequivocal in the mystical path’s subsequent history† [ 7 ] . The group is highly rooted in the chase of worldly personal businesss within the model of the Islamic religion. This includes the kingdom of political relations, a sector in which most Sufis daring non condescend to endeavor. As antecedently mentioned, the Naqshbandi were non wholly esoteric, accommodating to the civilization in which they lived. The group emphasized both â€Å"self-cultivation and formal rite, and backdown from and engagement in society† [ 8 ] . There is doubtless a step of self-negation in such an observation, but it is predicated upon irrevocably Sufi patterns. The Naqshbandi were non self-aggrandising, though they did believe themselves to hold an almost-exclusive apprehension of the Islamicdeen, or religion. Because they endeavoured to take portion in society’s gestures, the Naqshbandi were in big portion a extension of the Islamic proselytizing tradition. Not necessitating the repudiation of secular patterns and the acceptance of the cloistered life style was a big property to the success of the brotherhood and its endurance today. Unlike their cloistered Sufi opposite numbers, leaders of the Naqshbandi order â€Å"enjoyed households and the stuff wealth accrued from the contributions of their followings, † besides going committed to political â€Å"involvement and societal alteration based on Islamic principles† most prevalently demonstrated in their anti-Russian missions in Afghanistan and Chechnya [ 9 ] . Anti-Russian ( ulterior anti-Soviet post-1917, and so once more anti-Russian post-1994 ) Naqshbandi activism in the Caucasus has spanned the last century as the mo st noteworthy characteristic of Naqshbandi international activity, who prior to the autumn of the Romanov dynasty were entrenched in the battle for independency: â€Å"The Russian businessperson and socialist revolutions of 1917 farther aggravated the place of the Sufis in the North Caucasus. The most detrimental factor was the Bolsheviks’ unbelieving war against Islam and Sufism in peculiar. Harmonizing to some beginnings most Naqshbandis who were concealing in the mountains of Dagestan and Chechnya welcomed the February businessperson revolution of 1917. They hoped that the revolution would convey about the political independency of the North Caucasus. Those Naqshbandis were active participants in the popular rebellion which resulted in the constitution of a ‘North Caucasic Emirate’† [ 10 ] . The tradition of Naqshbandi political association carried over into the first and 2nd Chechen Wars, marked by the moral force of the struggle with Moscow. At first, the Naqshbandi served the intent of fusion, pulling the Ingush, Dagestani, and Chechen peoples bound by a common religion. Their strong Sunni association besides drew support from the larger Muslim universe, with pre-1994 support coming from Iran, Saudi Arabia, and others. By the clip the Chechens had their first presidential election, nevertheless, the rise of Wahabbism in the part prompted the Naqshbandi, comparative centrists in Quranic reading, to divide off from the Chechen political mainstream. Acknowledging the danger of a extremist patriot, patently-Wahabbi authorities sponsored by General Dudayev, the â€Å"first Chechen Mufti, Muhammad Bashir, a Naqshbandi, refused to endorse Dudayev during the elections, † making a rift in Chechen society that remains today [ 11 ] . Curiously plenty, the Naqshbandi shayk hs and their adherents began as military leaders and recruiters to the opposition motion, contending a Russian presence they deemed to be imperialist. As spiritual motions opposite the Naqshbandi tradition evolved, nevertheless, so did their commitments. In order to wrest spiritual control from the turning figure of Chechen Wahabbis who opposed the assignment of Moscow-backed Ahmed Kadyrov, the Naqshbandis rallied in support of the immature leader, back uping â€Å"federal forces while the Wahabbis allied themselves with the unreconcilable Chechen extremist patriots who refused any duologue with Moscow† [ 12 ] . Spiritually, the Naqshbandi brotherhood is â€Å"characterized by its accent on a soundless ‘remembrance of God’ as opposed to the more conventional pattern of reiterating a expression aloud† [ 13 ] . In hisMystic Islam, Julian Baldick inside informations the Sufi art of repeat in the chase of God. Many Sufi groups will pattern routine recitations, normally consisting anyplace from individual words and phrases to full transitions from the Quran and prescriptions taken from the Hadith. Certain Deobandi brotherhoods will declaim names of God ( known in Urdu aszikrand in Arabic asdhikr) , reiterating discrepancies of the 99 known names of Allah ( Allah the Magnificent, Allah the Merciful, Allah the Protector, etc ) in order to comprehend the construct of the Godhead more clearly. Contrary to this pattern, the Naqshbandi are alone in the sense of quiet observation, practising a mental recitation that resembles the intonation of â€Å"Aum† in Hindu speculation. Baldick notes the comparative isolation of the Naqshbandi from other groups, reflecting on the character of separation many Muslims contend renders the Naqshbandi â€Å"as a mere spiritual association as opposed to other brotherhoods more normally referred to as ‘orders’† [ 14 ] . The Naqshbandi are in many senses Orthodox reformers within a far more structured model than most. The Mevlevis Possibly the most celebrated Sufis outside the Islamic universe, the Mevlevis, known more normally as â€Å"Whirling Dervishes† represent the more controversial of the Sufi brotherhoods. Like the Naqshbandi, the Mevlevis ( afterlife referred to as â€Å"dervishes† ) did non necessitate a cloistered life style from their followings. Many dervishes had households and occupations, attendedJuma’a( Friday flushing ) supplications at local mosques, practising their alone reading of Islam in Lodges non unlike those of Masons. The nature of Mevlevi Sufism differed greatly, based on the instructions of the celebrated poet Rumi, whose instructions in universalism and the integrity of world attracted followings including Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, and Zoroastrians. Dervishes typically follow the heralded and oft-described â€Å"greatest Sufi poet† as a â€Å"friend of God† instead than a adult male of conservative piousness in the Naqshbandi-style â €Å"remembrance of God† [ 15 ] . This lies in stark comparing to the utmost fear exhibited by most within the crease of Sunni Islam ; the near-deification of Rumi is a point of acrimonious contention at best, and at worst is an exercising of unorthodoxy. Besides contrary to Naqshbandi tradition, dervishes have a distinguishable manner of frock, made familiar in their celebrated ceremonials of dance and music. Like Rumi, the typical dervish in supplication frocks in a big xanthous chapeau typifying the mortality of adult male, and ( depending on the brotherhood ) fluxing cloaks over white dress reminiscent of the frock of a Muslim pilgrim, orhajji.Today’s dervishes, no longer organized as they were in the yearss of the Ottoman Empire now that modern Turkey has banned Sufism ( due to Naqshbandi resistance to secularisation by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk ) , do non congregate Thursday darks in the Lodges they used to busy. Today’s dervishes are mostly public presentation instrumentalists and terpsichoreans, touring the universe to play music, recite poesy, and take portion in the what is known as thesema. Harmonizing to dervish tradition, Rumi himself was â€Å"aware of the motion and sound in all of the planet† and hence instructed his followings, Muslim or non, to partake in thesema, a â€Å"whirling dance of the dervishes as an look of the cosmic joy experienced by the coincident consequence of obliteration and glorification† [ 16 ] . Due to the other-worldly traditions of the Mevlevi, most Moslems throughout history found it easy to individual them out as misbelievers with their irregular frock and pattern. Presently, there is no purely organized Mevlevi order of dervishes ; the clip of â€Å"groupsemasand communalzikrhas long since past† [ 17 ] . Their ceremonials, nevertheless, remain integral as those staying travel as performing artists. Unlike the Naqshbandi, who scorn music and vocalizing, the dervishes still appreciate music, utilizing it non unlike American Gospel vocalizing. This is strongly kindred to the art of theqawwali, or South Asiatic Sufi vocal of devotedness. Where the Naqshbandi stanchly identified with Sunni Islam, condemning the Shiites as heretic, dervishes saw no differentiation in the great Islamic split that created the two religious orders. Theological oppositions of the dervishes frequently categorized them with the Shiites, whose many traditions paralleled the Mevlevi cosmopolitan connexion with the remainder of the universe. Songs, poesy, and the publicity of art were prevailing in the Mevlevi traditions every bit good as in Shiite Islam. Like Shiites , Mevlevis still execute â€Å"the holy ablutions of the Muslim faith† before â€Å"entering the Hall of Celestial Sounds, † or dervish â€Å"lodges† [ 18 ] . The dervishes pushed the bounds and stenosiss of Sunni Islam in about every regard in the worship of Allah ; Baldick states â€Å"that there was plentifulness of institutionalised mystical libertinism† every bit early as the 16th century every bit good as â€Å"documentary grounds of the playing of out musical instruments by dervishes, and besides grounds of widespread ingestion of vino and drugs by dervishes† [ 19 ] . Though non alone to Sufi orders, the ingestion of vino and drugs was purely forbidden in both mainstream Shi’a and Sunni Islam. Where the Naqshbandi held purely to dietary limitations prescribed in the Quran, Hadith, and Shariah Law, the dervishes found comparative freedom and yet faced small reverberation on history of their supposed moral aberrance. Unlike the Naqshban di who sought chiefly to change over people to their Islam, the dervishes under Rumi prayed in integrity with everyone and everything in the universe. Throughout history, the Whirling Dervishes â€Å"continued to retain the particular fondness of the powerful, † appealing to their sense of self-aggrandisement through dervish supplications â€Å"not merely for the opinion dynasty but for the expansive vizier, the military and civil decision makers, and the scholar-jursits† [ 20 ] . The Naqshbandi, on the other manus, when in dissension with a governing dynasty in respects to political relations or spiritualty, frequently found themselves exiled. Unfortunately for the dervishes, nevertheless, gaining the fondnesss of the powerful did non pardon them from unfavorable judgment whether in the kingdom of dietetic carelessness or sexual aberrance. Rumi himself was rumoured to hold kept a male lover throughout his life. Harmonizing to most Muslims, â€Å"many dervishes are th oroughly immoral and habitually intoxicated ; † decried by many in the Naqshbandi brotherhood as misbelievers but besides vehemently defended by others [ 21 ] . Rumi’s histories of â€Å"gazing at beardless boys† led to anti-Sufi cabal accusal of the Mevlevis’ â€Å"sexual misconduct and licentious behaviour† [ 22 ] . The fear of human existences is the most evident between Shiites and the Mevlevi ; the two revere their leaders as idols of virtuousness and religious piousness. The Naqshbandi, though in fear of theirshaykhs, follow their leaders as religious instructors more kindred to the Sunni Muslim construct of the typical Mullah, or prayer leader. Clergy in Sunni Islam, after all, requires minimum instruction as the age ofijtihad, or Islamic Jurisprudence, has long since ended. The Mevlevi, though technically a Sunni group, mirror the Shiites in their reinterpretation of the Quran and the comparative lax attack to Hadith and certain Shariah Torahs. Where the Naqshbandi and the Mevlevi spiritually overlap, nevertheless, is the order of prioritizing of spiritual traditions. Using the illustration of the gap of Chechen duologue with Moscow to fiddle the extremist patriots and Wahabbis, it becomes apparent that while strict in some respects, the Naqshbandi mediate their ardor for faith with the wo rld of secular political relations and the value of human life. The Chechen patriots and Wahabbis would contend to see an independent Islamic Chechnya governed by Shariah jurisprudence, cognizing such an enterprise would be the lives of infinite 1000s. The Chechen Naqshbandi, nevertheless, were willing to extenuate the being of an Islamic Caliphate out of their people’s best involvements. As schools of esoteric Muslims, Sufi orders are comprised followings who profess to reform Islam, pattern a â€Å"true† Islam, and besides about contradict the definitions of what it is to be a Muslim. Like any other international faith, Islam finds alteration in every portion of the universe it is practiced. Where Sufis differ, nevertheless, is their reading that spans every state where Islam finds following. From the Naqshbandi return to â€Å"true Islam† to the Mevlevi cosmic, cosmopolitan attack to God, mystical Islam proves to be as varied and the traditional entry before Allah. Whether perceived as groups of work forces fighting to better understand the nature of religion and the Godhead or a school of idea rectifying the aberrance of the yesteryear, Sufi orders such as the Mevlevi and Naqshbandi both strive to convey adult male closer to his Creator. Bibliography Allievi, Stefano and Jorgen S. Nielsen. ( 2003 )Muslim Networks and TransnationalCommunities in and Across Europe. Atabaki, Touraj and Sanjyot Mehendale. ( 2004 )Cardinal Asia and the Caucasus:Transnationalism and Diaspora. New York: Taylor A ; Francis Routledge. Baldick, Julian. ( 2000 )Mystic Islam: An Introduction to Sufism. New York: New YorkU P. Ernst, Carl W. and Annemarie Schimmel. ( 1992 )Ageless Garden: Mysticism, History,and Politicss at a South Asiatic Sufi Center. Capital of new york: State U of New York P. Esposito, John L. ( 1998 )Islam and Politicss. Syracuse: Syracuse U P. Friedlander, Shems, and Nezih Uzel. ( 1992 )The Whirling Dervishs: Bing an Historyof the Sufi Order Known As the Mevlevis and Its Founder the Poet and MysticMevlana Jalalu’ddin Rumi. Capital of new york: State U of New York P. Shah, Idries. ( 1977 )The Way of the Sufi. London: Penguin Books. Stepaniants, M. T. ( 1994 )Sufi Wisdom. Capital of new york: State U of New York P.

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Study on the Supply and Demand for Hatchimals

A Study on the Supply and Demand for Hatchimals Supply and Demand: The Case for Hatchimals â€Å"Supply and demand† are two of the most well-known words in the subject of economics. Simply put, â€Å"supply† is the amount of something that is available, or can be made available, to consumers. â€Å"Demand† is how much consumers want or need a product. When there is more supply than demand, prices drop to get consumers to purchase the excess supply. When there is more demand for something than there is supply available, prices increase. There are two reasons for this – one, there could be a shortage of the product, and the retailer will likely need to pay a lot to re-stock it; and/or two, the retailer can simply increase their profit margins by increasing the price, as people are willing to pay for it. On the flip side, if the price of the product increases too much, demand will decrease, which will once again put the supply and demand at an equilibrium (Rittenberg Tregarthen, 2009). A popular time of year where we often see supply and demand come into play is the holiday season, starting with Black Friday and continuing all the way through after-Christmas gift returns and exchanges until approximately New Year’s Eve. Every year, there seems to be some new â€Å"must have† item. Often, it’s a toy. Kids learn about it at school or from television, they talk about it with their friends, and then they pressure their parents into getting it for them. (Sometimes, the parents can be just as guilty as the kids when it comes to consumerism, however – a parent might decide that their child must keep up with the Joneses, and have the latest and greatest toy or electronic device.) This sends the parents into a tizzy trying to track down the item in time for the holidays, while thousands – if not millions – of other parents around the country are doing the same thing. Consequently, the demand for this product becomes very high, and as stores begin to sell out frequently, the supply is very low. We saw an example of this recently, in December of 2016, when the phenomenon of â€Å"Hatchimals† began to make its’ way across North America – and even some other parts of the world! â€Å"Hatchimals† are furry, robotic, interactive animals that hatch from an egg that the owner must rub to facilitate the hatching process. Additionally, the creatures continue to â€Å"grow up† and increase in size as time passes. These are truly revolutionary in the world of children’s toys, and as such they come with quite a revolutionary price tag at approximately $60 each! That didn’t stop many parents from hunting this toy down and snatching it up – but many opportunists began finding and buying Hatchimals in bulk, and turning around to sell them on sites such as eBay for triple the price. Elasticity began to come into play here, as many parents were not willing to pay the inflated prices for the toy, and consequently stopped searching for them altogether. The after-market demand from sites like eBay and Amazon decreased greatly as a result; However, the demand to buy the toy at retail-value from stores like Target and Walmart remained on t he rise (Peachman, 2016). Spin Master, the creator of the Hatchimal toy, claimed that they knew the toy would be popular – especially around the holidays. They produced extra Hatchimals to meet this expected demand. However, they stated that they didn’t expect the response to be so overwhelming, and consequently, they struggled to keep up with consumer demand. Business cost increased for Spin Master, as they had to use airfreight to rush deliver the remaining Hatchimals from China so that they could be distributed to retail stores before the Christmas holiday. While part of the reason for the increased demand was sensationalism, there was another issue: the toy was appealing to a demographic larger than Spin Master anticipated. They had assumed the toy would appeal to children in the 5-10 year-old range, but once Hatchimals hit the market, the appeal stretched from children 3-12 years old (Peachman, 2016). The demand and price point of these toys did not seem to deter most parents from at least trying to obtain one for their child, however. This is where consumer choice and opportunity cost came into play. Some parents chose to forgo the hassle of driving hundreds of miles collectively, checking all of the stores within a certain radius, in exchange for paying three times the price on a second-hand retailer website, such as eBay. Other parents refused to pay that high of a price point in exchange for continuing to fight for the toy at big-box stores, and the article I chose even talks about a group of parents standing outside of the Target store entrance for several hours in the 20 degree cold weather in order to obtain one on delivery day. Some parents took a chance and entered raffles for the Hatchimals on Facebook by pitching in $10 with approximately a dozen other parents. Most were unsuccessful (Peachman, 2016). Fast forward to Christmas season, 2017: Hatchimals were a word barely uttered, and now, most children approaching five or six years of age would likely only have a vague idea of what I was talking about if I asked them if they like Hatchimals. The craze has worn off, and the supply of Hatchimals seems to have reached an equilibrium with the price point – most are retailing for between $45 and $50 at Target, Walmart and online. By the time the holiday season rolls around again this year, this entire process will repeat with a new â€Å"must have† item.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

BUL Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

BUL Case Study - Assignment Example Having disciplinary regulations in any business organization is crucial as it describes and dictates to its members how they ought to behave. According to the letter issued by FIFA to its members on the revision of article 55, there has been an increase in cases of discrimination and indiscipline which has prompted them to start taking the disciplinary code more seriously (Linsi). It is these regulations that make it possible to deal with disciplinary issues whenever they arise. Increased cases of offensive behavior by both the players and the fans is a reflection on how FIFA carries out its regulations. This is a mockery to FIFA. On the hand, it is simply not enough to have regulations and not follow them. The increased cases of discriminatory remarks and indiscipline among the players could have been avoided if FIFA had taken its own regulations more seriously. The recent FA suspension of Luis Suarez after making discriminatory remark against Patrice Evra should serve as an example to FIFA

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Free Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Free Speech - Essay Example This has brought growth to countries such as Brazil, Caribbean and the Middle East. It has grown tremendously with a margin of over a billion users in the past ten years from 670 million to 1.9 billion users. In order to promote accessibility to the nation, the government has invested large amounts of dollars to breach the gap that is between people with access to the Internet and those without (Hayes 108). By providing access to the Internet, more people are able to take advantage of political, economic, social and carrier opportunities. Internet democracy should be promoted as every citizen has an equal right and say in decisions affecting their lives and development of law legislation. Oppressive regimes such as China have taken measures to squash political opposing of Internet accessibility to its citizens in order to protect their interest. The regimes arbitrary blocks and filters information make their own rules and block Internet access during political unrest. They justify th at cutting off users from accessing the Internet is a means of protecting individuals’ status, counter terrorism and national security, while it is a violation of human rights treaties. According to the U.N Internet access and human rights, all nations should ensure Internet accessibility should be maintained always including times of political unrest for individuals to be updated on the things that are unfolding in the country (Kant 105). They put emphasis on amending laws that authorizes users to have full access of the Internet, and cease the regime nations from disconnecting its citizen from the use of the Internet. Given that use of the Internet is an indispensable tool in the realization of human right, accelerating human progress and development, combating equality and ensuring Internet access should be a major priority for all nations globally. Each nation should build up a strong foundation and maintain effective policy while still consulting with citizens from all r egions of the country, including local citizens, private sectors and the government ministries, to make the Internet available all over and affordable to all sections of the population (Kant 162). A customer’s online activity is a part of the human right of accessing the Internet freely (Kant 168). One can post an article, video or any relevant material in a site of their choice. Posting of materials on the Internet needs caution depending on the material posted, and site one chooses to post it because they can either impact positively or negatively to another party leading to Internet crime or a court case. In order to avoid these conflicts, a customer identification program has been established for identification of the person who posts in the website. This helps facilitate prevention of cyber crimes, implicating other parties and financing of illegal activities. Customer identification programme helps curb crimes committed online, an example; a manufacturer with an order t o manufacture products for a recognized company may knowingly over-run the order volume and put on the market the excessive items at a throw away price in another market. The same commodity may be sold yet in another market at a different price in a parallel trading process. This encourages advertising and selling of fake products in the market through the Internet, and by creation of Customer identifi

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Introduction To Psychology Essay Example for Free

Introduction To Psychology Essay Sylvia is 28 years old, stay-at-home mother raising two small children with her husband, who travels frequently for his work. Sylvia finds herself feeling bored and isolated a lot of the time. She finds herself overeating and then feeling bad about her weight gain. She has trouble sleeping at night and takes frequent naps during the day. She has persistent thoughts that she is an unlikable person and cannot manage to do anything right. She feels guilty that she is not a good enough mother to her children. When her husband is home, she questions if he loves her and secretly wonders if he does not. She feels hopeless that her life will get better and no longer enjoys doing things that she once did. It appears that Sylvia is struggling with Major Depression. In regard to case study 2, Sylvia’s husband is traveling a lot and not home very much. She is raising two children and doesn’t work. Sylvia questions if her husband still loves her and she feels hopeless, and no longer enjoys things she once did. Sylvia finds herself over eating and feeling bad about her weight. In addressing these issue Sylva is having, I’d like to address Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory. The need to belong, having social bonds with family, friends, co-workers, our spouse creates a sense of happiness and joy in people. Humans are social beings by nature and when something good is happening in their lives and they share it with others, it makes them even feel better about the good news. People spend a great deal of time thinking about relationships, the joy and happiness these relationships bring them. When our need for social bonding is satisfied in balance with two other basic psychological needs, autonomy (a sense of personal control) and competence, we experience a deep sense of well being, and our self-esteem rides high (Myers, 2014). Therefor, ones self-esteem is gauged by how valued, loved  and accepted they feel. In the case with Sylvia she is suffering from attention and isolation not only from her husband, but other people. She is lacking a social bond with her husband because he is not around much and she has little social interaction with people because she is a stay at home mom. Sylvia is also lacking a career and that would challenge her and give her a feeling of accomplishment and being needed. Although Sylvia has children that need her love and attention, Sylvia is feeling isolated and lonely because of her need to interact with her husband who is not paying enough attention to her. Her husband is not acknowledging and praising her enough for how hard she works to raise the children and keep the home up. Which is making her feel ignored and unneeded, causing her to question herself worth and her husbands love for her. Sylvia is becoming depressed and using food for comfort and out of boredom. Because Sylvia is gaining weight, she feels unattractive, and her self-esteem is low do to her appearance and the lack of social interaction from her husband. Sylvia doesn’t feel loved by her husband, and most likely feels its do to her gaining weight and she thinks he does find her attractive anymore. Sylvia may feel her husband is ignoring her even when he is home because she is gaining weight. Sylvia’s husband ignoring her it’s causing her to feel rejected, which is causing her extreme pain and leading to her overeating and depression. There seems to be a lack of communication between Sylvia and her husband. The lack of communication, possibly even a silent treatment is causing Sylvia to feel hopeless because she doesn’t know what is wrong and she is longing, and in need of a relationship and attachment with her husband. The lack of outside interaction with other friends, family, and social events is causing Sylvia to feel isolated and lonely too. All of these environment stimulants taking place in Sylvia’s life maybe a direct cause to Sylvia’s depression. Sylvia is lacking the ability to pass on to the next level of the need for self-esteem, achievement, competence, and independence (Myers, 2014). Which could be contributing and triggering her major depression episode. A major depressive episode is not a disorder in itself, but rather more of a description or symptoms of part of a disorder most often depressive disorder or bipolar. A person suffering from a major depressive episode must have a depressed mood or a loss of interest in daily activities consistently for a minimum of a two-week time  span (Psych Central, 2013). In diagnosing the mood must reflect a change from the person’s normal mood. A person’s daily activities and functions, such as work, social routines and friends, education, family, and relationships must also have been negatively impacted by the change in their mood. A major depressive episode is also identified by presence of five or more of the following symptoms. The patient can show signs of significant weight loss or weight gain even not dieting or trying to lose or gain weight. The patient will also display a change in appetite almost everyday, either with an increase or a decrease in their normal eating habits. The weight change is typically set at an increase or decrease in weight of more than 5% per month. The patient will display a depressed mood almost the entire day and this sadness, emptiness, loneliness, crying, and distant is observed by others or indicted by the patient, is typically consistent every day for at least two weeks or more. Children may report the patient as being irritable or sad all the time. The patient can exhibit noticeable decrease in things, and pleasures they normally enjoy and love to do. These decreases in pleasures and activities that they normally enjoy will progressive decrease more and more everyday. The patient can have either insomnia or hypersomnia and is present everyday. Insomnia and hypersomnia can even alter from not being able to sleep at all, to sleeping all day. The patient will express feeling of worthlessness or even excessive inappropriate guilt almost everyday. The patient can have decreased ability to think and concentrate, even maybe very indecisive almost everyday. The patient may have repetitive thoughts of suicide without a plan or any idea of how they would kill themselves (Psych Central, 2013). As a general rule major depressive episode is not diagnosed when the patient has experience the loss of a loved one. Generally speaking, the above listed symptoms are common when morning the death of a loved one (Psych Central, 2013). Most practicing clinicians believe that depression is caused by equal combination biological, social, and psychological factors (Grohol, 2006). First off and most important is to get Sylvia’s major depression under control and she should be put on medication, an antidepressant, such as Zoloft to help treat her symptoms and stabilize her imbalance. I would recommend that Sylvia and her husband start psychotherapy together, such as marriage counseling to help repair their marital bond and help make her  husband more aware of how Sylvia is feeling. By making her husband more aware of how his wife is feeling and correcting the issues of lack of attention, lack of communication, lack of feeling needed, wanted and loved by her husband. Sylvia could also benefit from other forms of psychotherapy, such as group therapy. With Sylvia feelings of loneliness, isolation and worthlessness, it my opinion that putting Sylvia in a social environment, with other people experiencing similar problems, it will help her engage with others and identify with other people (Grohol, 2006). Psychotherapy can range from a wide variety of effective therapeutic treatments such as, cognitive behavioral therapy, behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, rational emotive therapy, to family therapy and psychodynamic approaches. Both independent and group sessions are commonly used, but it does depend on the severity of the depressive episode (Grohol, 2006). In this case study with Sylvia, my opinion would be to recommend her to get on an antidepressant and attend a group therapy, one on one cognitive behavioral therapy, and finally that her and her husband start family therapy. In my opinion it’s important to get both Sylvia and her husband working as a team together and making them both aware of how each is causing the other to feel and react. Sylvia’s doctor and psychiatrist should observe her for a period of time for the possibility of bipolar disorder. In many cases, mental disorders can be misdiagnosis, and really need observation from the doctor and therapy sessions to really pin point what is really going on with a patient. Many of these illnesses and disorders have symptoms and characteristics that are the same, so it’s important to work closely with your doctor and follow the treatment plans, including medication and therapeutic treatments, to accurately diagnosis and effectively treat the disorder correctly. References: 1. Grohol, J. (2006). Depression Treatment. Psych Central. Retrieved on August 12, 2014, from http://psychcentral.com/lib/depression-treatment/000646 2. Myers, David G. Exploring Psychology with Updates on DSM-5, 9th Edition. Worth Publishers, 06/2014. VitalBook file. 3. Psych Central. (2013). Major Depressive Episode Symptoms. Psych Central. Retrieved on August 11, 2014, from http://psychcentral.com/disorders/major-depressive-episode-symptoms/

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Micheal Redkin and Math Basics :: essays research papers

In order to create a graph such as the one Ms. Redkin uses to calculate the depreciation of her rental house, first it must be determined which part of the information given is the dependant variable and which is the independent variable. In this case the independent variable is time (in years), and the dependent the value of the house. Next create a graph with the given data, the independent variables on the x-axis and the dependent on the y. Graph and label the given data as points (4 yrs, $64000) and (7 yrs, $52000), allow the graph to represent the house’s value from when it was new to 10 years after its purchase. Graph a line from these two points, now you may follow the line to find the approximate value of the house at certain years of depreciation. In order to find the value of the rental house after ten years, follow the line previously graphed to 10 on the x-axis. The y value you should receive should be 40,000, and if you were searching for the value of the house when it was new, the graph shows $80,000 at 0 years. Another example of how this graph may be used is in finding which year the house reaches a certain value. In order to find out which year the house’s value becomes 55,000 follow the graphed until you come upon the value of 55,000. The x value associated with the value 55,000 is 5 years, so the answer is the rental house will depreciate in value to 55,000 at 5 years. The slope of the line will be required to find many other answers to questions you may have concerning the house and its depreciation. To determine the slope of the line, use the given points of (4,64000) and (7,52000) in the equation (y2-y1)/(x2-x1), that is determine the change in y divided by the change in x which is the slope. (52000-64000)/(7-4) is the specific equation we will need for this line, the solution, -4000 is the slope of the line once simplified. One way to use the slope is to formulate an equation which will relate the value of the house to the number of years depreciated. Let V stand for the value, and t stand for the number of years it has been depreciated. To complete this equation we will also need to know the y intercept so we may use the

Monday, November 11, 2019

Influence from Mexican and Puerto Ricans in the Us Culture Essay

The U. S. culture has been saturated with Mexican and Puerto Rican influences. Influence is defined as a cognitive factor that tends to have an effect on what you do. I believe most of the influences are good but there are also some that are bad. The two major influences that will be brought up would be the influence of human creativity and violence. Puerto Ricans had a unique blend of human creativity. â€Å"Fueled by that political awakening, a cultural renaissance emerged among Puerto Rican artists. † By the 1960’s salsa music began to emerge. Puerto Ricans rooted this category of music especially in the New York area. Fania Records became the dominant record label in the early salsa music scene. Juan Gonzalez mentioned artist such as Eddie and Charlie Palmieri, Willie Colon and Ray Barretto. They provoked with there politically charged lyrics. It also sprang up writers such as Piri Thomas and Nicholasa Mohr mentioned by Juan Gonzalez. Piri Thomas was born in the Spanish Harlem section of Manhattan and is known for his best seller autobiography â€Å"Down These Mean Streets†pg63 and describes his struggle having Puerto Rican heritage. Nicholasa Mohr her works also told of the difficulties of growing up in Puerto Rican communities in the New York area. As more Puerto Rican came to into the States a big clash of racial identity rose. Black and White was a struggle in itself then Brown came in to the mix it mad things twist. â€Å"A dwindling tax base, brought about by the flight of industry and skilled white workers to the suburbs, massive disinvestment by government in public schools and infrastructure, and the epidemics of drug and alcohol abuse, all tore at the quality of city life†Pg 64. Lack of investment in the infrastructure and public schools by the government was a major contributor to this especially since most did not know how to speak English and the teachers did not know how to translate to the students. â€Å"The third generation of Puerto Ricans, those who came of age in the late 1980s and early 1990s, found themselves crippled by inferior schools, a lack of jobs, and underfunded social services. They found their neighborhoods inundated with drugs and violence. They grew up devoid, for the most part, of self-image, national identity, or cultural awareness. They became the lost generation. †Pg63 Mexicans also had there share of influencial human creativity. Mexicans are known for developing corrido music. They were smart about this music though because they were used to inform. They had dates names warnings and some were stories of crime or love. † The average corrido was usually so filled with dates, names, and factual details that it functioned not only as entertainment but also as a news report, historical narrative, and commentary for the mass of Mexicans who were still illiterate†. pg124. To change up the creativity from the arts to a more meaningful influence would be the founding of MAYO and no not the one you eat but Mexican American Youth Organization. This was intended to protect the civil rights of Mexican Americans. â€Å"One of the most influential groups to arise during the period was the Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO), founded in San Antonio by Willie Velazquez, a young community organizer for the Catholic Bishop’s Committee on the Spanish Speaking, and Crystal City’s Jose Angel Gutierrez. †pg 69. Mexicans have been picked on for decades and are still being hated upon. What was heavily impacted were schools and nothing was done about it. MAYO staged school walk outs to gain power. These acts would allow them to earn seats on school boards which in turn allowed them to participate in deciding what was best for their own people. In turn violence also was majorly influence. The US culture was raised to hate Mexicans. † Once the Great Depression hit and unemployment surged among whites, though, not even Mexicans who spoke fluent English escaped the anti-immigrant hysteria. More than 500,000 were forcibly deported during the 1930s, among them many who were U. S. citizens. † Speaking spanish a lot of times was a burden for mexicans which made them targets since most that all they spoke. To conclude Puerto Ricans and Mexicans have influenced the US culture. It still hasn’t stopped it continues to. More than likely it will still influence for many more years to come. They have been put down but they come right back up and stronger. They have given a lot to stop and to soak in many years of heritage. So go dance to some salsa or sing a corrido for a change.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Stress Assessment Using Non Invasive Health And Social Care Essay

Stress is a physiological and psychological response to endangering state of affairss. Rapid socio-economical disagreement due to technological advancement and desire to accomplish luxury has led to emphasize. Although emphasis has a psychological beginning, it affects several physiological signals in the human organic structure like EEG, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Galvanic Skin Response, Reaction Time, etc. Hence there is a critical demand for stress appraisal. This paper reviews about experimental methods of emphasis appraisal utilizing EEG ( Electroencephalography ) and discusses approximately different methodological analysiss for patterning emphasis. Introduction The quickly increasing population with extremist betterment in engineering has increased cost of populating taking to feverish life style due to turning deadlines and demands in order to accomplish luxury life. This state of affairs has led to increasing emphasis degrees in people with turning demands for development of efficient stress appraisal systems. The term, emphasis, introduced by Selye, defined emphasis as â€Å" the non-specific response of the organic structure to any demand for alteration † . In general, emphasis is a â€Å" complex reaction form that frequently has psychological, cognitive and behavioural constituents † [ 1 ] . The emphasis can be measured and evaluated in footings of physiological psychological and physical responses. Questionnaires are normally used to deduce emphasis subjectively. Physiological alterations in the human organic structure can besides be used to measure emphasis. The biomarkers like Skin Temperature, Skin conductance, Blood force per unit area, Heart rate variableness, Respiration, EEG, EMG are used to mensurate emphasis. Previous researches have shown that these are efficient methods and produced acceptable truth rates. In this paper we merely see stress appraisal methods utilizing EEG. Harmonizing to present scenario, the Stress in America study consequences show that grownups continue to describe high degrees of emphasis, 75 % of grownups reported sing centrist to high degrees of emphasis in the past month and about half reported that their emphasis has increased in the past twelvemonth [ emphasis facts ] , The latest research by workspace supplier Regus shows that Indian workers are acquiring more stressed. The study reveals that work ( 51 % ) and personal fundss ( 50 % ) are the conducive factors for the increased emphasis degrees of the Indian work-force. [ hypertext transfer protocol: //articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2012-09-10/india/33735958_1_stress-levels-counterparts-in-larger-firms-indian-workers ] . The research findings reveal that pupils are sing function overload, function stagnancy and self-role distance. Male pupils see higher degrees of function stagnancy than female pupils. [ hypertext transfer protocol: //link.springer.com/article/10.1007 % 2Fs11218-006-9010-y? LI=true ] . Stress can besides hold impact on immune system and it creates terrible impact on cardiovascular systems, The chronic emphasis can do persons more vulnerable to infections and incurable diseases. [ nihms4008 ] . Organizations like American Institute of emphasis [ www.stress.org ] , Indian Psychiatric Society ( IPS ) , National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences ( Nimhans ) and International stress direction association [ hypertext transfer protocol: //www.isma.org.in/about-isma.aspx ] are at that place to assist persons to cover with emphasis and related diseases at the same time making consciousness about emphasis. Stress due to tenseness, anxiousness and exhilaration had high power of Beta set [ ] . An addition of Alpha set power will reflect to loosen up and witting conditions. Meanwhile, lessening of Alpha set power and addition of Beta set power will bespeak that the individuals are making intense activity such as replying scrutiny inquiries, making mental arithmetic and so on [ ] . Research workers have come out with the ratio of EEG Power Spectrum in term of Alpha and Beta band power on right hemisphere of human encephalon with left hemisphere of human encephalon to find the encephalon reconciliation ( symmetrical ) where the asymmetrical in encephalon activity may bespeak to some chronic wellness disease such as depression, mental weariness, and so on. The ratio is called FBA ( Frontal Brain Asymmetry ) Measuring emphasis They are many features associated with emphasis they are chiefly classified as hormonal instabilities, physical and physiological alterations these are the symptoms of emphasis. When is individual feels stressed increased sum of emphasis endocrines ( hydrocortisone and catecholamine ) are released. These endocrine degrees are measured utilizing invasive methods and performed by scientists and practicians. These measurings require drawn-out experimental processs. Besides under emphasis, alterations in bosom rate ( HR ) [ ] , blood force per unit area ( BP ) [ ] , student diameter ( PD ) [ ] , take a breathing pattern [ ] , voltaic tegument response ( GSR ) [ ] , emotion, voice modulation, organic structure pose [ ] , reaction clip [ ] , Brain moving ridges ( EEG ) [ ] are observed, these alterations can be acquired non-invasively. This paper deals with non-invasive methods of measuring emphasis utilizing Electroencephalography ( EEG ) . Stress appraisal has many important applications in personal, authorities, industry military operations like bettering athlete public presentation, planing course of study and games for instruction, better work productiveness, to mensurate emphasis in combatant pilots, auto drivers, computing machine users, ground forces, sawboness etc [ ] . Measuring emphasis utilizing EEG There is a strong relationship between encephalon activity and emphasis. Datas can be acquired from the encephalon through different methods like functional magnetic resonance imagination, antielectron emanation imaging ( PET ) Magneto encephalography ( MEG ) and electroencephalography ( EEG ) . functional magnetic resonance imaging has high spacial declaration but really low temporal declaration, whereas EEG and MEG have higher temporal declaration. EEG is widely used in stress research because of higher temporal declaration, low intrusive equipment and low cost. Fig. 1: Spatial and temporal declaration of assorted experimental techniques [ 8 ] EEG is an of import method for analyzing the transient kineticss of the human encephalon ‘s large-scale neural circuits. In EEG, electrodes are placed at the caput tegument to do a good contact with scalp and register the electrical potencies due to neural activity. EEG provides good experimental informations of variableness in mental position because of its high temporal declaration. EEG wave form ( amplitude and frequence ) depends on the witting degree of the individual. Table 1 summarizes that spectral analysis of EEG can be split into several frequence sets. Frequency bands Frequency scope ( Hz ) Amplitude scope ( A µV ) Activity Delta 0.5-4 20-200 Watchfulness or anxiousness Theta 4-8 10 Relaxation Alpha 8-13 20-200 Dream slumber or stage between consciousness and sleepiness Beta 13-30 5-10 Coma or deep slumber Potentials at the scalp scope from 20 to 100 A µV, which can be recorded by braces of electrodes attached to the scalp ( on both sides of the encephalon hemisphere ) . The wave forms are characterized by frequence, amplitude, form and sites of the scalp. Besides, age and province of watchfulness is besides relevant to analyse the wave forms [ ] . Activities in the right hemisphere of the encephalon dominate the activities in the left hemisphere of the encephalon during negative emotions [ ] , which suggests an country for stress sensing. Electroencephalogram signals are categorized by frequence and each class represents some province for a individual. Beta and alpha moving ridges represent witting provinces whereas theta and delta moving ridges signify unconscious provinces [ ] . Rapid beta moving ridge frequences ( from lessening in alpha moving ridge frequences ) are the chief features bespeaking emphasis [ ] . Alpha waves appear on both sides of the encephalon, but somewhat higher in amplitude on the non-dominant side, by and large observed in people who are right-handed [ ] . Band base on balls filtering can be used to take noise and obtain certain parts and characteristics of an EEG signal before analysis. EEG signals can be filtered utilizing a set base on balls filter with appropriate values for low and high base on balls filters, e.g. 30 Hz and 4 Hz severally. Appraisal Techniques Raw EEG signals are acquired and analyzed to pull out required information. The first measure in this procedure is preprocessing, the characteristics are extracted from processed signal and classified into stressed or non stressed Preprocessing Preprocessing is really of import for any EEG signal analysis since signals are really sensitive to artefacts ; these artefacts are non from encephalon they are either from proficient grounds or due to behavioural and physical activities. Others include power lines noise ( 50/60Hz ) , broken EEG electrodes or leads, electric resistance fluctuation, electromagnetic noise and eye blink and motion of eyes and so on. Power line noises can be eliminated by using a 50/60 Hz notch filter. Independent constituent analysis ( ICA ) is used for unsighted beginning separation to divide constituents that have statistical difference. ICA recovers N linearly mixed beginning signals s= { s1 ( T ) , aˆÂ ¦ , sN ( T ) } , after multiplying by A, an unknown matrix, x ( I ) = { x1 ( T ) , aˆÂ ¦ , xN ( T ) } =As ( I ) [ ] . Rejection method is used discard contaminated signal, this method has drawback of taking the whole contaminated signal alternatively of taking merely noise [ ] . Subtraction method is used to take noise from contaminated EEG signal, this method assumes natural EEG signal as a additive combination of original EEG signal and noise and it is used to take oculus motion artifacts [ ] , Amplitude threshold can besides be used by specifying negative and positive thresholds, informations out of this scope is considered as artifact [ ] . Similarly Min-Max threshold can besides be used which defines a lower limit or upper limit allowed amplitude difference for a peculiar clip length. Gradient Criterion is another method where artefact threshold is defined based on point-to-point alterations in electromotive force relation to intersample clip [ ] . And eventually Joint chance method used that finds the chance of happening of a given value of point in clip in a specific channel and section relation to planetary chance of happening of such value [ ] . Feature Extraction Techniques Feature extraction is the procedure of pull outing utile information from the signal. Features are features of a signal that are able to separate between different emotions. We use a common set of characteristic values for encephalon signals. Nonlinear steps have received the most attending in comparing with the steps mentioned before, for illustration clip sphere, frequence sphere and other additive characteristics. The nonlinear set of characteristics used include fractal dimension and correlativity dimension signals. Features are extracted for each electrode of EEG signals. There are many feature extraction techniques used in literature some of the techniques are Power spectral denseness [ ] , Short clip Fourier transforms [ ] , Fast Fourier transforms [ ] , Wavelet Transforms [ ] and so on. Short clip Fourier transform ( STFT ) is a often used characteristic extraction technique in which separation of stationary signals is performed into little fragments [ ] . Comparing with STFT, Fourier transform ( FT ) , in which a finite length signal is expressed as the amount of infinite continuance frequence constituents, does non supply the accurate location of an event in the frequence sphere along the clip graduated table. Furthermore, FT is non suited for non-stationary signals analysis. The drawback of STFT is its finite length window. Narrow length window can increase the clip declaration but reduces the frequence declaration [ ] . Equation ( 1 ) is the mathematical representation of STFT, where ten ( T ) is analyzed signal and tungsten ( . ) represents the clip window map. STFTx ( tungsten ) ( T, degree Fahrenheit ) =aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦.. ( 1 ) Fast Fourier transform is used in many of experiments [ ] . In the power spectral analysis from EEG informations, the signals are converted from clip sphere to frequence sphere. Spectral analysis divides the original signal into its frequence constituents, which can be expeditiously conducted by utilizing the fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) [ ] . Through the spectral analysis, we can individually analyze the four sets of EEG moving ridges with their specific frequences. Fourier transform is one of the techniques to make spectral analysis which is shown in Equation Ten ( K ) =aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ ( 2 ) Where ten ( n ) is the EEG informations, N is the entire figure of samples. Wavelet transform ( WT ) solves the declaration job of STFT. It replaces the sinusoidal constituent of FT by interlingual rendition and dilation of a window map called ripple [ ] . Ripples are ideally suited for the analysis of sudden short continuance signal alterations [ ] . Equation ( 3 ) provides mathematical representation of uninterrupted ripple transform ( CWT ) , which is the portion of WT. CWT ( a, B ) =aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦.. ( 3 ) Here a and B are scaling factors, star in the superior represents the complex conjugate of map which is called the ripple. It can be obtained by scaling the ripple at B clip and a scale shown in equation ( 4 ) aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ . ( 4 ) Ratio of power spectral densenesss of the alpha and beta sets has been calculated and analyzed for emphasis [ ] . Results suggested that the ratios for alpha ( rI ± ) and beta ( rI? ) powers defined as given in Eqs. ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) severally were negatively correlated with selfreports. rI ±=aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦.. ( 5 ) rI?=aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦.. ( 6 ) where rI ± and rI? in the equations represent alpha sets on the right and left hemispheres of the encephalon. Beta sets, I? are likewise represented. Categorization Techniques After extraction of the coveted characteristics, In order to happen emphasis we use classifiers. A classifier is a system that divides some informations into different categories, and is able to larn the relationship between the characteristics and the province of emphasis. They are many types of classifiers used in the literature for stress appraisal. The categorization is performed utilizing many classifiers like additive discriminant analysis ( LDA ) [ ] , support vector machines ( SVM ) [ ] , nervous webs ( NN ) [ ] , Bayes regulation [ ] , and so on.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Essay on Bipolar Disorder

Essay on Bipolar Disorder According to the National Institution of Mental Habits, bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood changes, from manic episodes of intense energy, followed by extreme lows of depression. Quite a few of the history’s best artists, entertainers and athletes and the like have or have had Bipolar Disorder – whether diagnosed or not. This includes crooner Frank Sinatra, 1960s icon Jimi Hendrix, ’90s rocker Curt Kobain, painter Vincent Van Gogh, tons of writers, and even actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, among too many others. Sometimes called â€Å"Manic Depression,† Bipolar Disorder affects 2.5 percent of the U.S. population. It is characterized by extreme mood changes, from manic episodes of intense energy, followed by extreme lows of depression, according to the National Institution of Mental Habits. Bipolar Disorder is difficult to diagnose, even to experts, because there are so many different varieties of Bipolar Disorder and Depression. Reasons of Bipolar Disorder Many factors can be attributed to the reason a person experiences Bipolar Disorder. It can be due to their genetics, as in how they may have inherited from their parents the gene for Bipolar Disorder. It could be brought on by drug and alcohol abuse and addiction; it is a much-known fact that substance abuse is very common among people with Bipolar Disorder, the reasons for which are unclear. However, it is speculated that people with Bipolar Disorder may treat their symptoms with alcohol or drugs. It is also known that substance abuse can trigger, or even prolong, mental illness, including mood disorders. Naturally, medications exist for Bipolar Disorder, and they have been known to help alter a person’s brain chemistry so that their mood is balanced and steady. After a person is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, they are most always given medication to combat the intense symptoms. RELIEVING STUDENTS SCHOOL-RELATED STRESS However, lifestyle choices can also potentially help a person manage their mental illness or mood disorder. This extends to drinking habits and drug-taking habits, as said before, but stress, diet, exercise habits and overall health play a crucial role, too. Moderation and self-discipline are always key. Exercise has a way of balancing the firing of neurotransmitters in the brain, which play a crucial role in mood, behavior and cognition and happiness. It is a proven fact that exercise and physical health are fundamental to good mental health, as well, in part because it helps relieve stress and tension and it also encourages the body to work properly and effectively. How to Deal with Mood  Disorder? One of the scariest things about any mood disorder is the way it becomes insurmountable to deal with and tackle. In other words, some people experience horrific Bipolar episodes and fear they will have to deal with the uncertainty and unpredictability of it for the rest of their lives. It affects every single aspect of one’s life. Unfortunately, this all too often tricks people into thinking they are better off committing suicide, ending their life, the pain, the depression. This is because the person with Bipolar Disorder experiences a high so high that they feel they can do anything, become a better person, be successful and happy and productive and wealthy. They get ideas and missions, create objectives, and they get powerfully motivated to do something. However, this high, the manic state, can directly follow a Depression so crippling that they feel the Manic state they just experienced was mostly just to tease them – that they could never be happy or at least not h appy for too long. To conclude, Bipolar Disorder exists and it’s an issue worth paying attention to. It is something that affects people from all walks of life, cultures, professions, philosophies – and it affects various – if not all – aspects of their life, as well, almost always in a detrimental way. It can keep a person from sleeping well at night, from eating and interacting with people, from doing things they enjoy, even things they have to do – like going to work and other responsibilities. Even simple things like doing laundry can be a struggle for people with Bipolar Disorder or with any variation of Depression. What is most tragic about Bipolar Disorder is the fact that it can occur suddenly and without any warning – it just happens. Nothing, in particular, may trigger it. Bipolar Disorder doesn’t discriminate by wealth, ethnicity, and religious creed. But it is a problem all over the world – and it is just as serious as cancer is.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Final Exam - Essay Example The focus shall be on the relationship between the eating of French fries and weight gain. Many organizations and governments in the world are concerned with the scourge of weight gain which has increased the health risks among the youths and the population in general (Reed 67). Besides tremendously increasing the medical bills towards the caring for this group of individuals, weight gain also reduces the overall productivity of the same individuals which is another reason it is detrimental to the economy. Excessive weight also puts the individual at a higher risk of contracting other diseases that come about due to the individual’s poor health. It is thus of great concern to the various parties that such findings as the one from this experiment be availed to enable them draw the right conclusions about the disease besides formulating the required steps aimed at reducing the negative effects of the disease (Keown 12). This paper shall thus outline the procedure for the carryin g out of an experiment to determine the impact of eating French fries on the rate of gaining weight in kids aged 14 years of age. Methodology The methodology for this experiment shall first of all involve the division of the sample made of 14 year-old kids into two groups. The first group shall be made up of children who eat French fries strictly two times in a week while the second one shall contain those who strictly eat French fries three times each week (Rahman 90). The two groups shall each have separate records whereby each child’s weight shall be taken at the start and end of every week for three months. The period chosen upon is long enough to smoothen out the changes that may occur in a single week or for a few days. The days for the measurements shall be on every Monday and Friday of each week. For each child, two columns shall be drawn; one for the Monday readings while the other one shall be for the Friday readings. While the record books for the group of children who eat French fries twice a week shall be colored blue, those for the group of children who eat French fries three times a week shall be colored red to allow a distinction between the two groups (Froding 34). Other factors shall be put into consideration to allow consistency in the recordings. These factors include the harmonization of the two groups’ diets to eliminate disparities that may come about due to other factors from outside of the experiment. Weight gain may result from other types of food eaten by the children and invalidate the data collected for the two groups. Also, health factors shall be put into consideration to eliminate differences in weight that could be the result of health disorders. Independent Variable The independent variable in this experiment shall be the number of days the recordings shall be taken since they shall not be determined be anything else besides the normal counting of days. On average, there shall be 24 of these days for each child o ver the three months set aside for the experiment (Jackson 78). Dependent Variable The dependent variable in this experiment shall be the weight readings taken from the kids on the two days of the weeks. On average, there shall be twenty four recordings for each child over the three months period set aside for this experiment. Data Analysis The analysis of the data shall be carried out after the three months

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Should the US Pull Their Troops out of Iraq Essay

Should the US Pull Their Troops out of Iraq - Essay Example However, during Gulf War I most of Saddam's weapons were destroyed and, with the country under a very strict embargo since then, it is virtually impossible he could have accumulated such an arsenal. Experts often argue that the US should not be trying to re-build a nation according to its own values. Additionally, it is believed that the presence of US troops in the area is fuelling the civil war that is taking place there. During the years following the Golf War I, the US bombed Iraq daily killing thousands of Iraqis and it is thus not surprising that the Americans are viewed as occupiers. Many Iraqis firmly believe that America has come to conquer and not to aid them. In terms of the economic cost, it was L. Lindsey, President Bush’s economic adviser, who several years ago suggested that the cost of the war would reach $200 billion. Since then, this has been proved to be a serious underestimation: the US Congress has already spent in the order of $357 billion for military op erations, reconstruction works, enhanced security at US bases and foreign aid programs in Iraq and the neighbouring Afghanistan. Therefore, if the reasons to start the war were: 1) liberation of Iraq of the regime of terror imposed by Saddam; 2) the establishment of a democracy; 3) self-defence and elimination of any weapons of mass destruction; and 4) protection of the Middle East; and these issues have now been resolved (liberation of Iraq has been achieved and Saddam has been tried and executed for the crimes he committed.; a democracy or at least a new government selected after democratic elections has started to exercise power; weapons of mass destruction were never found; there is no risk that a country in ruins will try to attack or invade the neighbouring countries-even when Saddam was alive this was quite a remote possibility) What is the presence of the US troops in the area achieving The answer is simple: nothing. From an international point of view, the presence of US troops is only aggravating the problem, increasing the possibilities of a bloody civil war. From a domestic point of view the deployment of troops in Iraq weakens the US military power; it detracts attention from other issues, such as international terrorism and the situation with North Korea and Iran; and the economic and human cost has risen significantly. While an early withdrawal of the troops has been announced by the British government, President Bush has confirmed an additional 21,500 additional troops will be sent in (Harding and Hardern). Is he seriously damaging the image of the US and its international credibility Many believe he is Should the US continue to support Israel There are many reasons for the existing strong relationship between Israel and the US. First, the US was the first country to recognize the state of Israel. Secondly, the US has maintained a very profitable arm trade with Israel for a number of years. Thirdly, Israel is a very useful non-NATO ally that has a very strategic location in the "explosive" Middle East.